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Workforce shortages will continue to worsen in the next few years, which means manufacturers need to find creative ways to market their company and find the best employees available, and with how people these days prefer to consume content, using video and social media tactics to find the best employees for your company will be very important in order to successfully fill those open positions.

Video Recommendations For Manufacturers

Video is a great way to show off your company and highlight your workforce. You can use video to introduce current employees of your company and showcase what it’s like to work at your business. Video can also be used to promote job openings and attract qualified candidates. Manufacturers should think about using video to show the job in action and give the potential candidate a visual idea of the job they will do.

Common Sense Tip: What if your employees do not want to be in videos? Well, you should be working on your culture before attracting new potential candidates. Employees who love their job will have no problem telling others why they too should work for you. Need help with culture? Jellison Group Ohio can help you with a culture audit. 

Social Media Recommendations For Manufacturers

Social media is another great way to recruit quality employees. By using social media, you can connect with potential employees who are looking for jobs in the manufacturing industry. Use the awesome video content we discussed above to look better than your competitor.

If you haven’t created your social media profiles or kept them updated, it’s time to take care of. Facebook and LinkedIn are your primary targets followed by TikTok and Instagram. If you are looking to grab a younger audience you’ll want to look into the last two platforms.

Top Marketing Trends for Manufacturers in 2022

  • Use video to market your company
  • Use social media to find quality employees
  • Promote job openings on social media and other platforms like Hometown Opportunity or other local job sites in your area
  • Get a culture audit if needed. You can’t do any of this or improve your company with a terrible culture
  • Improve work/life balance
  • Offer training and development programs

Bonus considerations and ideas: Consider adjusting benefits packages for employees who move from a company with 5, 10, 15, or 20 years of experience. You are not going to find new talent by giving someone entry-level benefits if they have above entry-level experience.

These are just some of the top marketing and recruiting trends for manufacturers in 2022. For more information, contact Jellison Group Ohio today. We can help you find the best employees for your company and improve your marketing strategy.

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